
Monday, March 07, 2005

Kulmbacher Eisbock

Eisbock is German for "ice bock". OK, actually, it's German for "ice goat", but that makes slightly less sense for the purposes of this conversation. (For a brief history of the bock, go here.)

OK, now that you have some idea of what a bock is, an eisbock is an especially strong doppelbock (that's "double goat"...oh, never mind), weighing in at a hefty 9.2% ABV. Kulmbacher claims to be the originator of the style, dating back to a cask of bock accidentally left out in the winter cold. As ethanol has a lower freezing point than water, freezing concentrated the beer to a rich, potent brew.

The result is a dark mahogany color and an assertive alcohol presence. A faint candy-sugar presence permeates the aroma. The finish is dry but surprisingly mellow. Maybe not a beer for everyone, but for a beer lover, this is a real feast for the senses I'd put up there with a good trapist ale.

That, and it'll kick you in the head. This is my current favorite beer for a nightcap. I sleep like a baby after one of these.


  • At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said… comments? world class beer here man! sure it's a strange one, but what do you want, the same beer brewed over and over the same way? mush the same as your fave band. do you really want to same cd every time? not for me man! i'll take 'em, if you don't want 'em!

  • At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said… comments? world class beer here man! sure it's a strange one, but what do you want, the same beer brewed over and over the same way? mush the same as your fave band. do you really want to same cd every time? not for me man! i'll take 'em, if you don't want 'em!


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